Mythic Oracle


Card Decks & Oracles

Carisa Mellado

Beyond Words

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

, ,

Infos :

160 pages
45 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4
Box Kit



The bold fantasy styling of the Mythic Oracle deck goes beyond traditional serious tarot cards to offer fascinating entertain- ment and real guidance in matters of love, creativity, family, and fulfillment through the ancient, timeless wisdom of Greek mythology. As exciting as they are insightful, the Greek gods, Titans, heroes, and magical beings of the Mythic Oracle deck reflect all types of human nature, and it is through their stories that we can better understand ourselves.

Carisa Mellado

In addition to working as a professional tarot-card reader, CarisaMellado is co-creator of the best selling Ask An Angel oracle cards. A gifted musician and composer, Mellado has also composed music for several soundtracks and meditation CDs.

Agence Schweiger