Manual thermal diagnosis



Jean-Pierre Barral

TITA Editions

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The Manual Thermal Diagnosis consists in searching for variations in the body’s thermal flux, thanks to the sensitivity of the hand. Jean-Pierre Barral explains here the fundamentals of human thermal variations and a precise diagnostic approach to locate and interpret thermo-irradiations. Richly illustrated, this book is a valuable aid to all practitioners.

Jean Pierre Barral osteopath – Manual thermal diagnosis – 9791092847178

1- Heat and infra-reds
2- Body temperature
3- Skin temperature
4- Thermal control and regulation
5- Thermal and manual diagnosis (DTM)
6- Skull, face and neck
7- Thorax
8- Abdomen
9- Pelvis
10- The osteo-articular system and posterior visceral thermal projections

Jean-Pierre Barral

Jean-Pierre BARRAL is an osteopath graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Paris-Nord and the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone (England). He is a member of the Register of Osteopaths of France and an associate member of the American Academy of Osteopathy. He is internationally known for his innovative work on visceral manipulations. Jean-Pierre Barral is the author of several books published by Elsevier that are internationally recognized. He trains osteopaths and physicians all over the world: USA, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Russia...
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger