Making Peace with Your Plate



Espra Andrus

Central Recovery Press

Language of origin

Infos :

6 x 9
224 pages

Eating Disorder Recovery, Second Edition

A therapist and a recovered eating-disorder survivor come together to deliver expert guidance for those suffering from eating disorders, their loved ones, and treatment professionals.

Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Binge eating disorder (BED) and bulimia can also bring misery and death.

With its unique three-phase approach to eating, this book smashes the illusion of control, the power, and the lies of the deadly illness of disordered eating, providing a concrete plan for long-term recovery.

Espra Andrus

ESPRA ANDRUS, LCSW is a clinical therapist who maintains a private clinical practice in St. George, Utah. She specializes in working with individuals who suffer with anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorders, as well as individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder, and mood and emotion dysregulation disorders. Espra began practicing as a therapist in 1990 and has specialized in treating eating disorders since 1998.

Agence Schweiger