How to cook vegetables from top to tail



Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

15 x 21 cm
256 pages

Zero waste, maxi taste !

This book proposes 180 recipes including 40 vegetables that you can cook from the roots to the leaves, not forgetting the seeds, tops and fruits, without any part being wasted! The recipes in this book have been created and tested by gardener-chefs not wanting to waste any of their harvest! The recipes show the reader how to accommodate or conserve vegetables that are sometimes prolific. Some recipes include self-propagating plants such as nettle, purslane, elderflower, bear’s garlic…The book’s aim is for the reader to enjoy vegetables in abundance throughout the seasons.

THE AUTHORS :The authors of the recipes are the 110 family members of the shared garden “côté jardins” near Lyon in


Agence Schweiger