How to Be Loving: The Deck


Card Decks & Oracles



Danielle LaPorte

Sounds True

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Card Deck (60)
4 ½ x 4 ½ inches

For Resilience, Kindness, and All Kinds of Idealism

Danielle LaPorte offers a deck for her new book, How to Be Loving—to prompt conversations and reflection on the intelligence of the heart. A companion deck for her book and journal of the same title, this collection is substance with a side of playful. Some cards are short paragraphs of deep teachings. Others are poignant oneliners that people will be posting everywhere: “Embrace your contradictions.” “Use your mind for holy purposes.” “Ask your heart what it wants to tell your mind.” There are beautiful questions that can be used as conversation starters or journaling prompts, like, “If you were to look at yourself with a loving gaze, what would shift?” Danielle has also sprinkled in textual art cards that are ready for framing or tucking into love notes. These nourishing words and sweet inquiries are antidotes to the fear-based, limiting scripts we’ve had on repeat for years. As daily writing motivation, oracle cards, date-night cue cards, or on-the-spot inspiration, How to Be Loving: The Deck is for deep thinkers and for people just stepping on the path to healing—themselves and our world.

Danielle LaPorte

Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s Super podcast, With Love, Danielle, often ranks in the Soul 100 and a former think-tank director who iTunes Wellness Top 10 with over 1 million speaks about the intelligence of Love. Her Heart downloads. was named Centered Facilitators Program and Membership “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes and evolved out of The Desire Map, with over 400 has over 5 million visitors per month. workshop facilitators in 32 countries. Her podcast, With Love, Danielle, often ranks in the iTunes Wellness Top 10 with over 1 million downloads. was named “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes and has over 5 million visitors per month.

Agence Schweiger