Guidance from Gaia


Tarots & Oracles

Shannon Kaiser

Beyond Words

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

176 pgs
52 cards
5 x 6 3⁄4
Box Kit


From mindbodygreen-trained health coach and award-winning graphic designer, Shannon Kaiser’s Guidance from Gaia Oracle deck includes lush artwork of animals from all over the world and a stress relieving tool for personal development and mental clarity. Within these 52 cards and accompanying guidebook, you will discover the harmonizing power of planet Earth’s animal kingdom as our teachers, healers, and spirit guides. You’ll form a deeper connection with animals, plants, and crystals, whose energy is woven together in synergistic support to guide you into alignment and balance. For more information on Shannon Kaiser, please visit www.

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon Kaiser is the bestselling author of five books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment, including The Self-Love Experiment, Adventures for Your Soul, and Joy Seeker. As a life coach, international speaker, and retreat leader, she helps people align with their true selves so they can live their highest potential. She’s been named among the “100 Women to Watch in Wellness” by mindbodygreen and “your go-to happiness booster” by Health magazine. Learn more at
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger