Growing Up Well



Francine Ferland

Editions CHU Sainte-Justine

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

14 x 21.5 cm
216 pages

At age 6, children start hitting major milestones on the road to growing up. This book outlines the characteristics and dimensions of this remarkable evolution up to the age of 12 in the following areas:

› Motor skills, language, cognition, learning, the management of emotions and anxiety, and daily activities like dressing, eating, hygiene, and household

  • ›  chores.
    Health, psychosexual development (including sexual orientation and gender
  • ›  identity), friendships, and influences.
    School-related challenges (self-esteem, performance stress, bullying and

    violence, etc.).

    It also addresses the delicate yet important issue of screen time at this age and makes multiple recommendations. Finally, the author proposes multiple activities to support children during these years of growth and self-affirmation.

    This is a true guide for any adult who enjoys seeing young children discover the world and taking their journey to independence.

Francine Ferland

Francine Ferland is an occupational therapist and professor emeritus at the Université de Montréal. She has written numerous books on play and child development, in which she shares her knowledge and experience.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger