Growing Sustainable Together
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Practical Resources for Raising Kind, Engaged, Resilient Children Shannon Brescher Shea
Tips, tools, advice, and activities for raising eco-friendly kids while nurturing compassion, resilience, and community engagement.
It can be hard to fit “green living” in with the necessities of modern parenting: you can do 100 things right, but still the trappings of 21st-century life–the waste, the consumerism, the plastic junk–invariably find their way home. So how can you raise kind, balanced, responsible kids, all while doing it sustainably?
Drawing from cutting-edge social science research, parent interviews, and experiential wisdom, science writer and parenting blogger Shannon Brescher Shea shows how green living and great parenting go hand in hand to teach kids kindness, compassion, resilience, and grit…all while giving them the lifelong tools they need to be successful, engaged, and independent.
Growing Sustainable Together is packed with easy tips, expert parenting advice, and practical hands-on activities for the toddler years up through the early teens. Each chapter includes a “what to know” section that breaks down core sustainability knowledge, like:
Energy efficiency and renewables
How to instill anti-waste and anti-consumerist values
Better transportation options
Understanding how and where we get our food
Developing a lifelong love for environmental activism and volunteering
Shea highlights “what next?” action steps; a fun, enriching do-it-together activity; recommended books for parent and child; and additional resources for those who want to learn and do more. Growing Sustainable Together concludes with a practical appendix that gives talking points for enrolling teachers, school systems, and fellow parents in eco-friendly activities.
PRACTICAL GUIDE: Each chapter concludes with approachable ways to implement sustainable choices: a “what to know” section that includes tips on tackling the topic at hand; action steps; fun parent-child activities; and talking points for discussing issues with other parents (without sounding preachy).
TRUSTED EXPERT AUTHOR: Brescher Shea is an Oxford-educated senior writer and editor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science; long-standing environmental activist; mom; and the author of the popular parenting blog “We’ll Eat You Up, We Love You So.” Her work on the intersection of parenting and sustainability has appeared in the Washington Post, Sierra Magazine, and Romper.