Eunice’s Words


Children's Books

Gabriella Gendreau

Nahid Kazemi

Edition de l'Isatis

Language of origin

Infos :

23 x 23 cm
32 pages

Eunice, who immigrated to Canada without her mother missed her so much that she lost her words. Unable to speak, she suffered a total blockage. Until the day her mother returned…

Gabriella Gendreau

Born in Montreal, of an Italian mother and a Canadian father, Gabriella Gendreau has always had a great attraction for languages and cultures. In charge of the library of a multi-ethnic primary school in Montreal, she is passionate about literature and loves words. She loves to tell stories to children between the ages of 4 and 12 that inspire her and brighten her days.

Nahid Kazemi

Nahid Kazemi is a world-class illustrator, painter, graphic designer and author. Originally from Iran, she has been living in Montreal since 2014. Nahid is often invited to international festivals in Iran, Canada, and other countries such as the United States, Italy, France, Lebanon, Australia, Slovenia, Denmark. She has more than 40 books to her credit, both for children and adults. Curious and thirsty for knowledge, she is always on the lookout for new creative techniques.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger