Enter into the magic of intuition


New Age / Esoterics

Sylviane Jung

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

256 pages
150 x 231 mm

Intuition is on the rise. Businessmen, scientists, artists… more and more people talk about intuitive intelligence to explain their success. The sixth sense, that little inner voice, is said to guide us towards the best. But we are all – more or less – intuitive!

The aim of this book is to propose simple techniques to make the sixth sense an essential tool in your life. How to make the right decision, obtain information, know the best path for yourself, know why you failed, what to do to react, ward off your fears, correct your weaknesses? By making good use of the magic of intuition, even the most Cartesian person will be able to connect to his sixth sense…

This practical book is full of useful advice and fun and varied exercises, offering everyone the possibility of exploring, developing and using this formidable tool that is intuition on a daily basis.

Sylviane Jung

After 30 years of experience in the field of intuition, Sylviane Jung has become an expert in the sixth sense, and leads seminars and workshops in France, Belgium and Portugal. She has developed a series of techniques after a career in multinational companies, as well as training in hypnosis, NLP, psychogenealogy, psychological tarot and relaxation. She is the author of Enter the Magic of Intuition, published by the same company.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger