Celtic Healing Oracle


Tarots & Oracles

Rosemarie Anderson

Inner Traditions

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Boxed set
Includes 64 two-color cards
128-page booklet

64 Cards and Guidebook

An oracle deck featuring mythic symbols from the ancient Celtic ways of knowing

  • The cards feature black-and-white symbols representing goddesses, gods, cauldrons, leprechauns, faeries, animals, trees, and other figures to express the Celtic way of “carving” reality from darkness rather than light
  • The accompanying guidebook explores the meaning and mythic background for each card, the Celtic worldview, the principles of Celtic divination, as well as how to use the oracle to receive answers to specific questions

    Attuned to the movements of nature, the Celts understood that all things are con- nected, and they “divined” answers to their queries as well as what the future holds from the animals, plants, the winds, and the seasons. Trees and animals had particu- lar knowledge of past, present, and future. Through natural methods of divination, bards, healers, soothsayers, and holy women and men gained powers to see into the unseen. Stories and legends of their powers were told and retold, transmitting an enormous store of wisdom across the generations.

    In this oracle deck and guidebook, Rosemarie Anderson interprets Celtic myths and legends to create an oracle system of 64 cards featuring symbols from the ancient Celtic ways of knowing. The symbols represent three thousand years of Celtic culture and history, derived from archaeological excavations of Bronze and Iron Age Celtic sites throughout Europe and from the myths, folktales, and faery traditions still flour- ishing in rural Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The symbols of the cards represent caul- drons, spirals, leprechauns, faeries, animals, trees, the wondrous child (Cú Chulainn), the Sacred King, Cernunnos (the antlered god), the Morrigán (the raven goddess), Tir na nóg (the Blessed Isles), and other imagery and figures from Celtic lore.

    The accompanying guidebook explores the meaning, symbology, and mythic back- ground for each card, such as how the Triple-Mother Goddess (Card 1) represents magnificence and the primal goddess in all her aspects—maiden, mother, and crone. The guidebook also explores the Celtic worldview, the basic principles of Celtic divi- nation, as well as how to use the oracle to receive answers to specific questions.

    Conveying the power and wisdom of the ancient Celtic ways of knowing, this oracle offers a hands-on way to gain insight into the hidden forces at play in our lives.

Rosemarie Anderson

Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D., is an author, poet, professor emerita of psychology, Episcopal priest, and award-winning researcher. She is the author of several books, including The Divine Feminine Tao Te Ching. After living in different countries around the world, including South Korea, Japan, Germany, Italy, and Ireland, she now lives in southern Oregon surrounded by wilderness and wildlife.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger