


Children's Books

Christopher Willard and Olivia Weisser

Daniel Rechtschaffen

Holly Clifton-Brown

Sounds True

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

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Infos :

Hardcover Picture Book
32 Pages
Ages 4 to 8

Copies sold


The ABCs of Mindful Breathing

In Alphabreaths, children learn both their ABCs and the basics of mindfulness through playful exercises and vivid illustrations they’ll want to come back to again and again. Each letter of the alphabet teaches a simple mindfulness or compassion-based practice. Kids will spread their arms like beautiful butterfly wings, imagine blowing out candles on a birthday cake, and be as still and silent as a ninja. With breaths like Heart Breath and Wish Breath, they will remember to fill their heart with gratitude and send good wishes to others. Alphabreaths offers a meaningful introduction to mindfulness for children, all while keeping them delighted with imaginative inspiration and hours of fun.

Key Selling Points

Teaches children simple and playful breathing techniques to promote mindfulness, relaxation, and compassion
Willard is the author of several books on mindfulness for children and a leading voice on youth mental health
Rechtscaffen has developed a variety of curricula for mindfulness in the classroom and leads educator trainings around the world


Christopher Willard and Olivia Weisser

husband-and-wife creative team who live in the Boston area. Christopher is a clinical psychologist and consultant. He is on the faculty at Harvard Medical School and is considered a leading voice on youth mental health. Olivia is an associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where one of her areas of expertise is the history of health and healing. For more, visit

Daniel Rechtschaffen

DANIEL RECHTSCHAFFEN, MA, is a marriage and family therapist in the California Bay Area. Learn more at

Holly Clifton-Brown

HOLLY CLIFTON-BROWN is a freelance illustrator living in London. Learn more at

Agence Schweiger