Philipp Konter

Philipp Konter was born in 1997 and grew up in Saarland. After graduating from high school, he completed his training as an industrial mechanic. After 3 months on the job, he decided to become self-employed and has since focused on his own company: Konterholz. Since 2012, he has been running the YouTube channel “Konterholz”, on which he regularly publishes videos. With over 71,000 subscribers, it is one of the largest and most successful DIY channels in the German-speaking world. According to the motto “can’t be done, doesn’t exist”, Philipp tries out everything: from mobile log band sawmills, to finished furniture, to self-built briquetting equipment. Thousands of viewers have already benefited from his practical tips.

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Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger