Sergio Magaña

Sergio Magaña – or, to use his Nahual name, Ocelocóyotl – is a world-renowned practitioner, healer and teacher of the ancient knowledge of the Teotihuacans, Toltecs and Aztecs. Exposed to this 5,000-year old oral tradition as a child, he pursued its wisdom as an adult and now devotes his life to spreading the word of the dawning of the Sixth Sun. With an engaged following in Europe, North America and his native Mexico, he has taught thousands of people the powerful spiritual techniques of the Toltecs, hosted his own radio show, and written five books on the subject. Focused on Toltec healing, dreaming and rejuvenation, he has become a bridge between ancient tradition and the modern world.

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Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger