Camille Sapara Barton

CAMILLE SAPARA BARTON is a Social Imagineer who operates as a catalyst for social change, creating networks of care and livable futures. They work as an artist, facilitator, consultant, and curator across the realms of embodied social justice, grief, pleasure, and drug policy. Rooted in Black feminism, ecology, and harm reduction, Camille uses creativity, alongside somatics, to create culture change in fields ranging from psychedelic‐assisted therapy to arts education. Camille has taught within programs for psychedelic therapists in training including Alma Institute, Psychedelic Coalition for Health, Synthesis, and CIIS. Since 2017, they have worked as a consultant with MAPS, ensuring that MDMA psychotherapy will be accessible to BIPOC and other communities disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. Camille is currently based in Amsterdam, where they worked as the director of Ecologies of Transformation, a temporary Masters program at Sandberg Institute, researching how art‐making and embodiment can create social change.

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Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger