The Shadow Course


Online Courses

Andrew Harvey

Caroline Myss

Sounds True

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14+ hours

Take an eight-week transformational learning experience with two of the most pioneering spiritual teachers and “Shadow busters” of our time.

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is a poet, writer, teacher, and mystic. He is a former fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, and has taught at Cornell University, Hobart College, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is the author and editor of many books, including Hidden Journey; The Return of the Mother; A Journey in Ladakh; The Essential Mystics; The Son of Man and his latest book, The Direct Path.

Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss is the author of five New York Times bestsellers, including Anatomy of the Spirit, Sacred Contracts, Invisible Acts of Power, and Why People Don't Heal and How They Can. A leading voice in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness, she holds degrees in journalism, theology, intuition, and energy medicine.

Agence Schweiger