

Garden & Nature

Illlustrated Albums

Michael Martin

Knesebeck Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

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Infos :

29.0 x 35.0 cm, hardcover with jacket, 448 pages, 500 colour illustrations


Nature photography in a class of its own

Today, 4.5 billion years after its birth, our planet is in its prime. Unfortunately, however, man has interfered so mas- sively in system Earth that it can no longer be termed a pa- radise. In this book, Michael Martin describes in profound, informative texts the fascinating history of our planet and the influence of man on nature. In breathtaking images, the author portrays the beauty and diversity of Earth and shows just how much we stand to lose if we do not succeed in pro- tecting our planet better.

Michael Martin

Michael Martin, born in Munich in 1963, is a photo- grapher and qualified geographer. For more than 40 years, he has reported on his journeys to the deserts of the Earth and is now the world’s best-known de- sert photographer. He has published 30 photo volu- mes and books which have been translated into se- ven languages, has delivered almost 2000 lectures and produced several TV films. His work has won nu- merous awards, for example an honorary award from the Royal Geographic Society. He recently received the 'Gregor International Calendar Award' and the 'ITB Book Award' for his life’s work.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger