Effective Preservation and Storage of Edibles


Garden & Nature

Cornel Adler

Matthias Schöller

Sabine Prozell

Sara Preissel-Reckling

Stefan Kühne


Language of origin

Infos :

180 pages
100 colour photographs

In agriculture, processing and trade

This book contains comprehensive summaries of the most common storage pests, together with the current research status of preservation of stores. It provides you with a comprehensive theoretical background and plenty of sound advice for implementing measures in different areas of your operation.

Cornel Adler

Matthias Schöller

Sabine Prozell

Sara Preissel-Reckling

Stefan Kühne

Prof. Dr. agr., Dr. habil. Stefan Kühne studied agriculture and habilitated in the field of applied entomology and phytomedicine. He does research at the Julius Kühn Institute and teaches at the HUB and the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger